Making games vs playing games

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I certainly believe games and gaming can be an integral part of education. But, I'd like to challenge us to take it one step further. Let the kids make their own games. We need to find ways to bring Computer Science into education anyway, so it's win win. Games can be created around any content area, so teachers in all disciplines who want to connect with their students can explore this. Their are so many options, all free and many webbased. And kids can figure most of the code themselves. And ask any teacher who has done it, kids will learn anything you ask them if you get to put it in their game. They will learn new math and physics to help make their game better. I've got kids who come in every day during study hall to work on their game. And most days after school as well. And they do this not because I ask them to, or because they have to, they do it because they want to. They far exceed any stated requirements or expectations I have set.

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