Distance Math Classes for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Gold level

Published on 11/12/2012

Learning objectives

  • Proficiency in using ICT in the classroom
  • The Common Core Standards in mathematics in an accessible format
  • How to be engaged in a flipped classroom
Created for

Ages 11 - 13

Ages 14 - 18


Digital/Media Literacy

Mathematics (All)


Twenty-first century skills

21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Student self-assessment

Featured tools
Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Lync

Microsoft OneD...
Microsoft Powe...
Microsoft Word

Partners in Le...


Windows 7


Refreshible Br...

Document Cameras

Windows Access...

Audio Graphing...

Duxbury Braill...

Required hardware


Instructional approach

Personalized learning

Direct instruction

Independent study


Learning activity details

Mathematics is a challenging subject for blind and visually impaired (BVI) students because it requires specialized instruction to meet their unique accessibility needs. Access to specialized instruction is extremely limited due primarily to a shortage of Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) qualified to teach mathematics. At the Washington State School for the Blind, we have developed a unique and effective program built on Microsoft Lync that provides specialized mathematics instruction to BVI students anywhere. Our mathematics TVI uses video conferencing to instruct her classes to any student with a Lync client and an internet connection. Specialized instruction is possible because Lync works seamlessly with assistive technologies such as Braille Displays and screen readers; which enables lecture, whiteboard, and other class materials to be delivered in accessible formats (e.g. Braille, large print, and/or audio). For 1:1 instruction, the students can easily share their work, ask for help, or submit classwork to the teacher using desktop sharing, instant messaging, and file transfer.

Supporting resources

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Comments (4)

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Why do I need to sign in? Microsoft respects your privacy. A global community, the Microsoft Educator Network asks you to sign in to participate in discussions, access free technology tools, download thousands of learning activities, take online learning or connect with colleagues.