Silver level

Published on 9/7/2012

Learning objectives

  • This project is an attempt to help our students, Parents and teachers to get rid of the phobia of mathematics.
  • This project will provide easy, interesting, One line, Mental and superfast calculation methods along with magic speed cross checking system
Created for

Ages 11 - 13


Mathematics (All)

21st Century Skills


Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Student self-assessment

Required hardware


Electronic white board

Instructional approach

Personalized learning

Direct instruction

Independent study

Learning activity details

Mathematics is the gate and key of all sciences. It is a language of size and measurement. It is purely the creation of Man. At present cart is put before the horse and children are pressed to learn abstract rules and numerals. There is no place of discovery, no challenge, no fun, and no beauty left in the learning of Mathematics. Mathematics lost all its charm for the student ; it became a dull, drab subject, and children began to dislike the queen of all subjects.

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