Digital Citizenship Public Service Announcements

Bronze level

Published on 10/31/2014

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Learning objectives

  • Stretegies for protecting themselves on line
  • Script-writing and project planning
  • Video editing using Microsoft MovieMaker
Created for

Ages 11 - 13



Digital/Media Literacy


Twenty-first century skills

21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

Global awareness & civic literacy

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Required hardware


Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Learning activity details

Students are presented with a scenario that school parents are concerned about our 1:1 program and students' ability to use technology responsibly. Students are challenged with one of four different scenarios (texting, social networking, netiquette, or cyberbullying). Using OneNote, they complete activities and research on their own then join students to create a public service announcement aimed at their parents, proving they know how to be responsible on line. Students collaborate using OneNote and then create their PSA's in MovieMaker.

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