
Teach students how to facilitate brainstorming and organize information visually. StickySorter takes this process to a whole new level by letting you create simple screen notes and organize them into themes, allowing you to track and make sense of all kinds of questions or problems. StickySorter is especially useful for students working collaboratively to identify common themes in their research. And when you have big volumes of data, you can easily import and export the information into other programs to assist you in making sense of it all.

Organize lots of information easily

StickySorter brings affinity diagramming—and information organization—into the digital age. Create notes that have multiple fields—a title, description, and author, for example—then group and organize the information to your liking on an infinite canvas. Pan and zoom to view the data from different vantage points. Tile, pile, and color-code data for clearer meaning. It’s so easy to use “sticky notes” on your computer.

StickySorter takes the complexity out of large amounts of data:  

  • Stores group information for other tasks
  • Notes can have multiple fields 
  • Imports from Excel and Access are possible 
  • Define multiple fields and choose what is displayed 
  • Pan and zoom on the data to work on a large visual space

System requirements:

Windows XP, Vista or 7 with .Net Framework 2.0


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