How have you kicked off the school year with student voice?

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Hi everyone! For those of you in the northern hemisphere who've just started a new school year, I hope you enjoyed your summer break! I wanted to share our schedule of posts for the coming months, and also invite all of you reading to share any updates on student voice initiatives or activities in your school through the comments on this post.

Here's what we'll be covering:

  • September: Learning Environment
  • October: School Culture
  • November: School Policy
  • December : Student Leadership
  • January: Student-Centered Learning
  • February: Student Voice Curriculum
  • March: Learning revolutions
  • April: Project-Based Learning
  • May: Immersive Use of ICTs
  • June: Healthy body, healthy mind
  • July: Student-led Education Organizing
  • August: Mental health and learning

I've already identified a few experts to share with us across many of the topics, but I also look forward to your suggestions for others we should include!

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