Challenge to Change

Silver level

Published on 4/1/2014

Learning objectives

  • Students will be active citizens, making a difference in their local and global communities.
  • Students will value the local and global environment and work towards improving and sustaining their environment.
  • Students will read, write, speak, listen, view and represent to work collaboratively.
Created for

Age 7 and below

Ages 11 - 13

Ages 14 - 18

Ages 8 - 10



Digital/Media Literacy


Language arts and literacy

Social Studies


Twenty-first century skills

21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

Global awareness & civic literacy

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Student self-assessment

Featured tools
Bing™ Maps

Bing™ Translator

Microsoft Lync

Microsoft Offi...
Microsoft OneD...
Microsoft Powe...
Required hardware


Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Learning activity details

Using ICT, students from four countries will work together to address sustainability issues.

Driving Questions:
What are the environmental sustainability issues in your area? (As they relate to Millennium Sustainability Goals)
What can you do to make a difference?
How can you encourage others to take action on sustainability issues?

Phase 1: Acting Locally, Collaborating Globally

Mystery Skype: Students will meet their partner classrooms from around the world through mystery Skype sessions.

Making Connections: Students will get to know each other via video conference using Skype or Lync. To prepare for this initial meeting, each classroom will be responsible for generating further questions to ask the other classrooms. To overcome language barriers, questions can be sent ahead of time.

Knowledge Construction: Students in each classroom will research to identify sustainability issues in their community. Working in collaborative teams, students will create a presentation to share their findings with the other 3 classrooms. Students will choose the most appropriate communication solution to share their findings. Each educator will work with students to set criteria for their final product

Sustainability Conferences: Classrooms connect a second time to conduct presentations to share the sustainability issues they have identified in their communities. The goal of these conferences will be to ensure all 4 classrooms understand the issues their counterparts are facing.

Creating Action Plans: Teams of students will work together to develop an action plan that address their sustainability problem. Part of this process will involve teams giving and receiving feedback through international collaboration. Peers from other countries will give suggestions and then teams will have time to revise their work. Final action plans will be shared with all four classrooms using OneDrive to ensure that groups can hold each other accountable.

Taking Action: Students will collaborate to implement their action plans to make a difference in their community. Actions, progress, results with international team members to ensure accountability.

Follow up: Each classroom will share their results with all classrooms. This may include successes, difficulties and the impact that their local action plan had.

Phase 2: Scaling Up the Impact
Once students have taken action locally, they will shift to a global focus. For this phase, students will be grouped in cross-classroom, international teams.

International Team Meetings: Students will work in international teams to identify a global environmental sustainability issue to address. Within teams, each student will have an age-appropriate role. The work will be interdependent, with students relying on each other to be successful.

Challenge to Change: Each international team will identify one action that people could take to impact the global environment. This will become part of the “Challenge to Change” – a global challenge to encourage others to take action. Students will design the challenge and promote it publicly using a range of media (local press, social media, government). The aim is to involve whole towns, cities, states or even countries so that students are leading the way for major environmental changes!

Expert Coaches: Throughout the project, students will have opportunities to connect with experts that can guide their learning and assist with knowledge construction.

Supporting resources

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