Eco-Building Investigation: Creating and designing

Bronze level

Published on 9/27/2013

Learning objectives

  • To research and select different types of materials to use as insulation in your eco-building
  • To conduct a series of scientific investigations to test the strength of your materials for their insulation properties
  • To evaluate the types of materials have used in your final eco-building design and summarise with reasons why you have chosen them
Created for

Ages 11 - 13

Ages 14 - 18


Digital/Media Literacy


Natural Sciences


Twenty-first century skills

21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

Global awareness & civic literacy

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Featured tools
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powe...
Windows 7
Windows Photo ...


Microsoft Word

Microsoft Publ...

Google Sketchup

Required hardware




Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Personalized learning

Learning activity details

In this task you will find out about eco buildings and consider the features that you would like to see included in a building (of your choice) in Howick College. Working in groups you will need to divide up the research whilst working together on a single design for your eco-building.

Supporting resources

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Why do I need to sign in? Microsoft respects your privacy. A global community, the Microsoft Educator Network asks you to sign in to participate in discussions, access free technology tools, download thousands of learning activities, take online learning or connect with colleagues.