Kid Lit Movies: Book Trailers for Young Readers

Gold level

Published on 8/17/2012

Learning objectives

  • Create a visual advertisement for a library book
  • Use critical thinking and ethical digital citizenship skills when gathering visuals and music from the Internet.
  • Equip students with real-world experience and skills in collaborative decision making
Created for

Ages 8 - 10


Art / Design


Digital/Media Literacy

Language arts and literacy



Twenty-first century skills

21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

Global awareness & civic literacy

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Student self-assessment

Required hardware


Electronic white board

Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Personalized learning

Direct instruction

Independent study


Learning activity details

How do you connect kids with great books? In our library, it’s with movies, thanks to our student-created book trailers! These videos are exciting visual previews of books. In three 4th grade library classes, teams selected a favorite book, storyboarded the content using OneNote, and then created book trailers with Windows Live Movie Maker. These movies are used as digital advertising in our library. They are embedded on our school library blog, and on SchoolTube for a wide range of student and public access. In addition, we generated QR codes for their movies and placed them on the books themselves and on other high profile locations around the school, linking the physical book to its digital counterpart. In the process students improved their evaluative and analytical skills, while creating an engaging product designed to sell awesome books to their peers.

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